Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and questioning - centered therapy with Waves can offer a welcoming, comfortable, and supportive space to explore, understand, and thrive. I help individuals, families, and couples who struggle with PTSD, PTS, grief, depression, relationship conflict, and anxiety.Mental Health
Waves, A Psychological Corporation
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and questioning - centered therapy with Waves can offer a welcoming, comfortable, and supportive space to explore, understand, and thrive.
Belanger Therapy, Eva M. Belanger, MA, MFT
I help individuals, families, and couples who struggle with PTSD, PTS, grief, depression, relationship conflict, and anxiety.
Information provided on this website, and in the printed LGBTQ Consumer Guide & Business Directory is being provided voluntarily by the members listed. The SDEBA takes no responsibility for the accuracy of a listing, nor guarantees any services by our members. Inclusion of an individual or a company does not imply endorsement of its services, nor does exclusion reflect on any organization's contribution to the community. Copyright © 2017-2018. All Rights Reserved. Site provided by MicroNet - powered by ChamberMaster software.
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